How To Properly Fence Your Property

Every property, ranches and plots of land included, is used in a unique and interesting manner. However, the one thing that your property shares in common with the rest of properties surrounding it is the need for proper and effective fencing. A proper fence is paramount for a number of reasons. Whether you grow crops, raise livestock, live off the land, use your property for hunting, or even simply reside there with your family enclosing your property with secure fencing is the best way to ensure the well being of yourself, your property, and your property’s resources. A proper fence is also a great way to make a property stand out on

While navigating the process of properly fencing your property you will need to select the right fencing material, consider your fencing budget, and research the local fencing regulations properties in your area must follow. Selecting your fencing material is a great place to start. 

Selecting the Right Fencing Material

There are a number of popular fencing materials across the market, and in general most are very effective for a number of properties. Determining what fencing material is right for you and your property will come down to purpose, cost, and upkeep. The most common fencing materials are wood, high tensile polymer (HTP), vinyl, and wire (barbed and woven). Each of these fencing materials have there own advantages and disadvantages which are displayed in the chart below:

Considering Your Budget

While you are selecting your fencing material it is also a great idea to develop and consider your fencing budget. How many feet of fencing will you need to purchase? How much of a budget do you have? 

Obviously price is one of the largest determining factors of fencing material, therefore you will want to figure out how much you can spend per foot of fencing. Taking your overall fencing budget and dividing it by the number of feet you need to fence is a great way to determine which fencing materials are an option. For example, if your overall fencing budget is $10,000 and you need to cover 500 feet then the price you can spend per foot is $20. 

In general, wood fencing is the most expensive and costs anywhere from $13 to $20 per foot. HTP fencing is the next most expensive and will cost you around $11 to $18 per foot. Vinyl fencing is slightly cheaper and barbed and woven wire are significantly cheaper. 

Researching Local Fencing Regulations

After you figure out your fencing budget and select a fencing material, you should research your local fencing regulations and determine how and where you can build your fence, and if you are required to do so. Often states may require a property to be fenced under a number of circumstances. Though, these circumstances vary from state to state. For example, in North Carolina, properties that control livestock are required to be fenced, whereas in Texas no state law exists, but individual counties can impose their own regulations.  

Building Your Fence

Enclosing your property with a fence is hard work. The process will most likely take several hours and require some significant effort. However, after you are done you will have the peace of mind that your property and its resources are protected. Before you start building your fence, remember it is a great idea to spend some time determining your fencing budget, selecting the proper fencing material, and researching your local fencing regulations.