7 Ways to Support Wildlife on Your Land

There’s nothing quite like hearing the whoosh of an owl in flight or spotting the gentle imprints of deer tracks on the ground. Having a rich supply of wildlife on your property can be a wonderful way to enjoy nature without traveling to a larger reserve. If you’re wondering how to attract wildlife to your property, look no further! With a variety of reliable methods, you can learn how to attract animals safely in no time. 

Take a look at how to attract wildlife in seven different ways:

1. Diversify the Terrain

Animals have many different needs, and the more diverse of a space you can offer, the better. Rather than watching and waiting for wildlife to stroll into a uniform landscape, introduce a range of natural elements that will help the land feel more accessible for a variety of animals. The most diverse terrain will feature open pasture alongside areas with brush, groundcover and trees. Keeping a healthy water feature, like a running stream or pond, can make the land even more attractive!

2. Remove Fencing

This is an excellent strategy that many property owners don’t always consider. Fencing can be a barrier for larger animals that will cover extensive areas of ground. Removing fencing within a property can help connect pastures and support more natural movement for wildlife to explore different parts of the property at their own leisure.

3. Introduce Native Plants

Native plants are those that are indigenous to the given region. Since they are a part of the ecosystem’s natural makeup, native plants can help support local wildlife by attracting native pollinators, like bees and birds. Different regions feature different native plants, so be sure to do a good amount of research before selecting the specific native plants that will be introduced to your property.

4. Stop Using Pesticides

If you really want to know how to attract wildlife to your property, creating and supporting a healthy natural ecosystem is key. This means a commitment to using natural elements instead of toxic chemicals and pesticides. The health of birds, deer, fish and other small creatures can be dramatically affected by pesticide use. Though natural land management can be difficult and is often more labor intensive, the extra effort it takes to keep the environment clean is worth it!

5. Make Property Pathways More Efficient

Noise pollution and the simple presence of people can often be a deterrent for wild animals. Reducing the sight, sound, and smell of people can be a huge help when determining how to attract animals to your property. One way to do this is to make pathways and roads more efficient. Instead of winding in and out of areas, try and create pathways that are shorter and more direct between lookout points. This can cut down on the scent left by people when trekking through the trails, which may help deer and other wildlife less reluctant to come around.

6. Large Food Plots

If you’re a hunter or conservationist trying to figure out how to attract deer to your property, it may be time to adopt a smarter feeding strategy. Instead of leaving several small food plots throughout the property, consider leaving one large food plot in a designated area. This may help concentrate the deer to a specific corner of the land, making them easier to spot.

7. Natural Food Sources

Finally, if providing food on the property as a way to attract wildlife — whether it’s deer food, bird seed, or something else — commit to using raw, natural food sources only, like clover, acorns, chestnuts, fruits, berries, and grains. Never leave human food or leftovers, as certain ingredients can compromise the health of the wildlife population. In addition, always keep trash receptacles protected and secure so that deer, raccoons, and other animals aren’t able to rummage through them and potentially ingest harmful items.

Wondering how to attract animals to your property? Start with these seven tips, and you’re sure to see an increase in wildlife sightings in no time!